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Lewis Armstrong's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Lewis Armstrong refused to tell citizens where he stands on any of the issues addressed in the 2010 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart, national media, and prominent political leaders.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2010.

  • Silva, Christina. 2010. St. Petersburg Times: Meek's pro-choice stance stands out. 22 June 2010. "Lewis Jerome Armstrong, a contractor from Jacksonville, said he was pro-life, but would support abortion in situations involving incest or rape." (
  • Lewis Armstrong. "US Senate Debate Florida part 2 - Introductions and opening." (Video). 26 October 2010. "I am the only candidate and I will be the only candidiate that will stand up for a woman's right to choose and what happens to her body." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Lewis J. Armstrong. Issue Position: Economy and Jobs. "Lewis Armstrong believe Washington needs to work righteously in favor of the small business that employ millions of Floridians all over the state. Armstrong said 'We Floridians have struggled with this economy and the economic lost that should not have occurred.' Armstrong believe 'True Ethics' in the area of banking is needed. Banks need to give small business of this great state the opportunity to grow so the unemployed can come off the system of unemployment that holds them captive. A job should be there for the people of this state. 'A good pay check should be for all Americans'. Florida and America, in general, is my love and to fight for all Americans is my drive." (
  • Lewis Armstrong. "US Senate Debate Florida part 2 - Introductions and opening." (Video). 26 October 2010."I will be the only candidate, ladies and gentlemen, the only democratic candidate, ladies and gentlemen, who has always consistantly been against the privatization of social security." (
  • Lewis J. Armstrong. Issue Position: Senior Citizens. "As a U.S. Senator I will ask for legislation that will increase benefits for our seniors. Social Security should never have to face financial problems at any time. Our seniors have carried the ball for a very long time, it's our day, our responsibility and lets do it well." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Lewis J. Armstrong. Issue Position: Education. "Myself along with other political leaders will pass the proper legislation to ensure every student has equal opportunity to grow within the system. This should always be the American way. I believe higher education and vocational training should always be in our public school system. Carpentry, plumbing, masonry and other job training skills should remain within our public schools. The global market is calling us to be all we can be. I will vote for increases in aid in the area of student loans. No child should never be left behind. This is America, the land of milk and honey." (
  • Lewis Armstrong. "US Senate Debate Florida part 2 - Introductions and opening." (Video). 26 October 2010. "I will be the only candidate in this race that was against offshore drilling before and after the spill." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Lewis J. Armstrong. Issue Position: Health Care. "It's impossible to fund a universal healthcare without raising taxes or taking large sums of money from other areas of need." . (
  • Lewis J. Armstrong. Issue Position: Immigration. " I do think legislation should be in place to help all law-abiding immigrants within our borders to become citizen of this great nation." (
  • Lewis J. Armstrong. Issue Position: Iraq and Afghanistan. "Iraq and Afghanistan is an area of concern for many families of our service men and women. President Obama plan to send 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan which will be hard on their families. As a U.S. Senator I will ask for legislation that will call for inmates that can be fitted for military service to fill the ranks as foot soldiers. The training will give the inmates discipline and order. As a U.S. Senator I will ask for strong legislation that will support the drive for democracy in many areas of the world." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.

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